Location Van der Pekstraat 47-49H 1031 CR Amsterdam
Phone 0684774427
Louis Pirenne

Louis Pirenne

Louis Pirenne (born in Den Bosch, 1955) retired in 2023 but remains actively engaged as a cultural advisor and leader in various cultural organizations. He is involved in the Crossing Border Festival in The Hague and the Oxville Cinema in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. Pirenne, trained as a theater scientist, has worked in the arts for 45 years. He has been involved in project implementation and played a significant role in arts and culture policy. Pirenne has extensive experience, having served as Head of Culture in the municipality of Haarlem, Director of Theater Netwerk Nederland, and programmer at the Festival aan de Werf in Utrecht. In 2009, Pirenne began working in Amsterdam Noord, where he established the district as a cultural catalyst, a title that still holds great significance for him. Thanks to Pirenne's efforts, culture has become an integral part of this now vibrant area of Amsterdam. To honor the founding father of Amsterdam-Noord's cultural policy, the Prix Pirenne was created by Pexpo. Pirenne considers this prize the most beautiful gift from his farewell celebration.

Farah Shretah

Farah Shretah -Syria , is a trans media artist with a rich imagination. Originating from Syria, she started her career as an actress before moving to Ukraine to develop skills in film direction. Shretah completed her studies by obtaining a master's degree from the St. Joost Academy of Fine Arts and Design in the Netherlands, specializing in visual arts. In her work, Shretah connects social-psychological circumstances with modern visual art techniques to immerse her audience in captivating new experiences. Key themes she explores include spirituality, science, and the superhuman, investigating concepts of reality, their impact on human emotions, and interconnectedness.
Farah Shretah
Serginho Stekkel

Serginho Stekkel

Serginho Stekkel -Amsterdam, has been actively involved in Amsterdam-Noord for over twenty years. From various disciplines, Stekkel has contributed to improving opportunities for creative makers and entrepreneurs in Amsterdam-Noord. After involvement in various cultural organizations and the Amsterdam municipality, he has been an entrepreneur for the past ten years. Stekkel focuses on socio-cultural events, exhibitions, cultural programming, networking events, and talent development. Collaborating with the creative industry of Amsterdam, he seeks innovative solutions for urban challenges within the Amsterdam region, striving for an equitable Amsterdam for all.

Banu kabady's

Eva Bollen is a dynamic individual. Kabadayi works as a district liaison in the Oude Pijp during the week. Unable to work in the office during the pandemic, she found herself at Kunstlicht Foundation in the Hamerkwartier and has since become the board's chair. Utilizing her creative and organizational talents within the foundation, Kabadayi aims to connect people and foster creative collaboration, generating even more innovative ideas. Despite her presence throughout the city, Kabadayi's heart lies in Amsterdam-Noord, a place she calls home where people color outside the lines, making shared living even more vibrant.

Banu Kabadayi is een echte bezige bij. Kabadayi werkt doordeweeks als gebiedsmakelaar in de Oude Pijp. Toen het werken op kantoor tijdens de coronaperiode niet meer mogelijk was, is zij komen aanwaaien bij stichting Kunstlicht, gelegen in het Hamerkwartier. Zij is hier niet meer weggegaan. Inmiddels zet Kabadayi zich hier in als voorzitter van het bestuur. Kabadayi gebruikt binnen de stichting zowel haar creatieve als haar organisatorische talenten om mensen te verbinden. Ze probeert creatieve mensen samen te brengen, zodat er nog creatievere ideeën ontstaan. Samen met hen probeert zij deze ideeën tot uitvoering te brengen. Ondanks dat Kabadayi door de hele stad te vinden is, ligt haar hart in Amsterdam-Noord. Dit is de plek die zij haar thuis noemt. Hier kleuren de mensen volgens Kabadayi weleens buiten de lijntjes, wat het samen (be)leven extra kleurrijk maakt.
Freek Wallagh jpeg

Freek Wallagh

Freek Wallagh was born and raised in Amsterdam. Since the age of fifteen, he has been involved in performing and organizing nighttime events. Wallagh is a poet, event organizer, political scientist, and activist. In 2023, he was elected as Amsterdam's night mayor, advocating for a strange, experimental, and loving city. Through his art, Wallagh explores the boundaries between different genres and art forms. His ongoing project "Urban Royalty" collects and portrays forgotten voices of the city. With his participation in the Prix Pirenne, Wallagh aims to contribute to a lively Amsterdam-Noord.

Eva Bollen

A true Northern local and activist, Eva Bollen is the driving force behind Red Amsterdam-Noord. What started as a group of concerned residents has now evolved into a movement that is being heard, even at City Hall. Eva fights against gentrification and the division of Noord, the district that has been increasingly discovered by real estate developers, expats, and landlords. Red Amsterdam-Noord is now an official foundation advocating for the interests of ordinary residents under the motto: "We are already here, and we are not going anywhere. We will not be pushed out for people with more money."

Eva's focus is on the everyday resident of Noord and on the older neighborhoods, which certainly includes culture—this aspect must also involve the entire area of Noord.

Eva Bollen